

He felt something between laughter and anger. 他既觉得好笑,又感到气愤。

He had to choose between death and dishonor. 他必须在死亡和屈辱之间作出选择。

I’ll phone you between lunch and three o’clock. 我将在午餐后三点钟以前给你打电话。

His father gave him a choice between a recorder and a bicycle. 他父亲让他在录音机和自行车之间选一样。


There’s a big difference between knowing that something is true, and being able to prove it. 


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最佳答案 2014-04-25 21:12

由于得到luofang老师的启发,我找到了几个例句,说明在“between...and...”这种结构中,and 的前面也可以用逗号。如:

There are many relations / connections between linguistics, philosophy, and psychology.——摘自《韦氏高阶英语词典》p.147

They searched the area between the river, the farmhouse, and the woods. 他们搜索了河、农户和树林之间的地带。——摘自陈用仪编著《英语常用词疑难用法手册》p.135

He shared his property between his wife, daughter, and sister. 他把财产拿来在妻子、女儿和妹妹之间分配。——摘自陈用仪编著《英语常用词疑难用法手册》p.135

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其它 1 个回答

罗 芳

There’s a big difference between knowing that something is true, and being able to prove it.

个人认为这个句子是没错的,between和and 之间的内容在本句中太长,加上逗号就意味着产生了短暂的停顿,读起来就不会那么拗口、气短。加上逗号,产生一点停顿,更让人“喘口气”的感觉。大家读读试一试。

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  • 肖文斌   提出于 2014-04-25 12:32
