no one与none真的那么简单吗? 

______of us went to the movies yesterday.(一道中学试题)

A No one  B none 答案真的只是none吗?No one也对吧?

有些语法书上认为no one单独用指人,不能和of短语连用,故答案选None。

可是刘锐诚的一本词典和赵振才教授的《常见问题解答词典》上说no one 可以和of 短语连用,且既指人又指物,从这一观点看似乎答案No one 也是正确的。请问老师面对此题学生该怎么办?急切盼望专家老师和管理员老师给予解答。谢谢。


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最佳答案 2015-08-06 23:39

按我的理解,no one后面习惯上不接表示范围的of短语。既然你引用了刘锐诚和赵振才等人的观点,所以我也引用两位专家的观点加以说明:


no one (英国英语里还可以写成no-one) 的意思和nobody一样,后面不能用of这个介词。如:

No one wished me a happy birthday. 没有人祝贺我生日快乐。 (不能说:No one of my friends…)

Not one of my shirts is clean. 我的衬衫没有一件干净的。 (不能说:No one of my shirts…)

2. Longman Dictionary of Common Errors (New Edition) (J.B.Heaton & N.D.Turton著)认为:

× No one of us regrets volunteering.

√ None of us regrets volunteering.

√ Not one of us regrets volunteering.

When you mean ‘not one’, use none or (for emphasis) not one: ‘None of the children could tell the time.’ ‘Not one of the trainees has a medical background.’

No one and nobody cannot be followed by “of” unless the phrase introduced by “of” is descriptive: ‘No one of any importance was at the meeting.’

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刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编


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