5 an array of…作主语时谓语动词用单数还是用复数

Among the people who came to the meeeting ______ (be) an array of professors from key universites.

我知道,这应该是一个倒装句,句子主语应该是an array of professors from key universites。我的疑问是:an array of…作主语时谓语动词用单数还是用复数?

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最佳答案 2016-06-27 00:10

你的问题要分两种情况来讨论——看 an array of 后面接的是可数名词(复数)还是不可数名词。

1. an array of+不可数名词

如果 an array of后接不可数名词,它用作主语时,谓语动词自然是要用单数。如:

There was a splendid array of food on the table. 满桌子都是美味佳肴。

There is a vast array of literature on the topic. 关于这个题目的文献浩如烟海。

2. an array of+可数名词(复数)

如果 an array of后接可数名词(要用复数),它用作主语时,谓语动词可以用单数(看作整体)也可以用复数(分别考虑其个体)。如:

An array of TV antennas stands on the roof. 屋顶上电视天线排成了队。

There was a vast array of colours to choose from. 有各种各样的颜色可供选择。

An array of solar panels supplies the site with electricity.  一套太阳能电池板为该处供电。

There is a bewildering array of holidays to choose from. 供选择的节日很多,让人不知如何是好。

Among the guests was an impressive array of authors and critics. 来宾中有为数甚多的作家和评论家。

A dazzling array of celebrities are expected at the Mayfair gallery to see the pictures. 梅费尔区画廊期待耀眼的大批名人光临。

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