
_______ I finished there,I have been working for a travel agency in my country organizing tours and excursions for tourists from all over the world. 

横线上可以用 After 吗?答案是 Since。

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最佳答案 2016-06-08 19:25

本题应该填 Since,而不宜填 After,这与主句的时态有关。

▲since 的意思是“自从……以来一直……”,与现在完成进行时的用法相吻合(因为该时态用法便是“从过去一直持续到现在”这段时间)。如:

He has been working since noon.  他从中午就开始工作了。

He has been living in Leeds since 1998. 他从 1998 年起就住在利兹。

The nation’s unemployment rate has been climbing steadily since last June.  自去年6月以来,该国的失业率一直在不断上升。

▲而after 的意思是“在……之后”,它并不强调从那以后一直持续到现在,与现在完成时的持续性用法以及现在完成进行时的用法相吻合(因为这两种时态用法便是“从过去一直持续到现在”这段时间)。如:

After I had read the book I could fairly claim to be an expert. 读完这本书,我差不多可以说是专家了。

After she had the baby, she started swimming every day to get back into shape.  生完小孩后,为了恢复体形,她开始每天游泳。

After three weeks had passed and she had still not heard from her daughter, Joan was on the rack.  三个星期过去了,琼还是没收到女儿的信,她急得快发疯了。

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陈才   - 英语教师

【一】从句since+(一般过去式) ,主句+完成式

结构(1)从句:since +时间点,主句:主语+have/has+过去分词

表达含义:主句动作在since从句所表示时间开始 就开始延续

(1)since从属连词:引导时间状语从句,自从...以来/ 自从....以后

Where have you been since I saw you last time? 自从我上次见到你,一直都在哪里?

Since I left college,I have not seen him.   自从我从大学毕业以后,就没有见过他了。

They have never been to see me since I was ill.   自从我生病之后,他们一直没来看过我。

Since I have owned a bicycle,I have gone to school by it every day.  自从我有了一辆自行车后,我每天骑车上学。

(2)since 作为介词,自从...以来,(表示从过去某个时间延续至今)

I have lived here since January.   自一月份以来,我一直住在这里。

He had seen her only once since the meeting.   自从那次会议以来,他只见过她一次。

He's been working in a bank since leaving school.   自从毕业后,他就一直在一家银行工作。

I have not seen him since then.   从那以后我再也没见过他。


He disappeared many years since.   他多年以前就不知去向。

Her husband died 10 years ago but she has since remarried.  她丈夫于十年前去世,但她后来又嫁人了。

I've long since forgotten what our quarrel was about.   我早就忘掉我们为什么吵架了。

It was not long since that I returned.   我是在不久前回来的。

He came to London 3 years ago and has lived here ever since.   他三年前来到伦敦,此后就一直住在这里。

 结构(2)从句:since +时间点,主句:主语+have/has+been+现在分词

表达含义:主句动作在since从句所表示时间开始 就开始一直都在延续进行(更强调动作一直都在进行着)

The man has been drinking beer ever since the party started.   宴会开始以来,那个男人就一个劲儿地喝着啤酒。

She has been collecting stamps since she was a child.   她从小起就一直在集邮

【二】after 表示在....之后,引导时间状语表在主句动作之前发生


After I finished my job,I sat down to read a newspaper.   干完活后我坐下来读报。

After he goes, we shall eat.   他走之后,我们就吃饭。

I'll leave after he comes back.   他回来后我就走。


After dinner we paired off and went to dance. 饭后我们成双成对地跳舞去了。

She succeeded in solving the problem after hard work.   由于努力干,她终于解决了那个问题。

He was built after his father.   他的体形像父亲。

This box is made after a new pattern.   这箱子是仿照新样式制作的。

The boy was named Tom after his grandfather.   这小孩以他祖父的名字被命名为汤姆。

He inquired after your health.   他询问你的健康状况。

After travelling for three days I slept for twenty hours at a stretch.  连续3天旅行之后,我一连睡了20个小时。

C comes after B in the alphabet.  在字母表中C接在B后面。

They inquired after you.  他们问候你。

We ran after the thief.  我们追赶窃贼。

We've named the baby after you.  我们是依照你的名字给这婴儿取名的。

(3)after 副词:作状语用法

We had dinner and went home after.   我们吃完晚饭后就回家了。

Let me go in first and you follow after.  让我先进去,你随后跟来。

They arrived soon after.   他们没多久就到达了。

They lived very happier life ever after.   从那以后他们一直生活得很幸福。

He left on Monday and returned three days after.   他星期一离开,三天后回来了。

John came on Tuesday, and I arrived the day after.   约翰是星期二来的,我比他晚到一天。

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  • liftroom 提出于 2016-06-07 16:50
