in your hand与with your hand(用你的手)的区别

Hold your fork ________ your left hand and your knife ________ your right hand.

请问如何填介词?是填 in 还是填 with?

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最佳答案 2016-06-06 11:44


本题最佳答案是填 in:

Hold your fork in your left hand and your knife in your right hand. 左手拿叉,右手拿刀。

但是填 with 也不能算错:

Hold your fork with your left hand and your knife with your right hand. 左手拿叉,右手拿刀。


1. 表示“用手”“用左手”“用右手”,英语通常用介词 with。比如下面各句中的 with 就不能换成 in:

Sid beat on the door with his hand. 希德用手打门。

Operate the gears with your left hand. 用左手操作排挡。

He pressed the flush with his hand. 他用手按下了冲水按钮。

Since my accident I have written with my left hand. 出了事故以后我一直用左手写字。

2. 若所表示的“用手”是指用手握住,或指在手里面,通常用介词 in(此时用介词 with 有时也不能算错,但不够普通)。如:

He scooped the coins up in his hands. 他用手把硬币捧了起来。

He weighed the stone in his hand. 他用手掂了掂这块石头的重量。

He was holding a mug of coffee in his left hand. 他左手里端着一杯咖啡。

3. 若表示用手捂住(盖住、蒙住),通常用介词 in,有时也用 with。如:

He was so ashamed that he hid his face in his hands. 他羞愧得用手把脸蒙住。

James hid his face in his hands and drooped his head. 詹姆斯用手捂住脸,低下头去。

Dona covered her face with her hand as if swooning. 多娜用手捂着脸,好像要昏过去。

She sighed deeply and covered her face with her hands. 她深深地叹了一口气,用手捂住了自己的脸。

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其它 2 个回答

陈才   - 英语教师

Hold your fork ________ your left hand and your knife ________ your right hand.

请问如何填介词?是填 in 还是填 with?


答案为:需要填介词in 表示动作发生一种方式,而不是强调动作方法

in强调动作发生的方式,强调动作以...方式进行;in 多与静态动词使用说明动作以什么方式呈现.

Hold your fork in your left hand and your knife in your right hand


Use your fork with your left hand and use your knife with you right hand.


【一】介词in+名词 强调动作以某种特有的方式发生.


(1) in+抽象名词 作方式状语相等于该名词副词形式作状语

The boy sat there in silence.

=The boy sat there silently

She smiled in a friendly way.


(2) in+表示材料名词(表示动作以某种材料的方式进行)

She wrote a letter in black ink.

(3) in+表示语言的名词(表示以某种语言的方式进行)

Can you say it in English?


The girl in red is from Japan.

(5) in+表示声音名词(表示动作以某种特点声音进行)

Don’t speak in a loud voice.

【二】介词with+名词 强调动作以某种具体工具或者方法发生.


(1) with+某种工具或者物(表示主语以某种工具完成某种动作)

Tom drew the picture with a pencil .

I cut the apple with a sharp knife .

Remove the meat with a fork and divide it among four plates.

Pack the fruits and nuts into the jars and cover with brandy.Doctors are treating him with the drug AZT.

Mary cut her hand with a knife.

What can I cut the cake with?

Tom cut the apple into four pieces with a knife.

(2) with+身体某个部分(表示主语用身体某个部位当作工具去执行某个动作)

We can see objects with our eyes.

We can speak with our mouth.

We can hear with our ears

We can do many things with our hands

We can smell with our nose

(3) with+抽象名词(表示主语在某个的抽象名词帮助下完成某个动作)

With the help of the teacher, Jack have made much progress.

=With the teacher’s help, Jack have made much progress.


She always does her homework with care.

=She always does her homework carefully.

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黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)


    本题答案填 in或者with都可以。题意:“ 左手拿叉,右手拿刀。”

    例如:Hold the vase in [with] both hands. 用两手拿花瓶。(外研社、建宏《英汉多功能词典》hold词条)

    He hung from the branch with one hand [both hands]. 他用一只手[双手]吊在树枝上。(外研社、建宏《英汉多功能词典》)

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  • 马远兵   提出于 2016-06-02 08:40
