
From around 200 B.C. to around 1000 A.D., the most significant example of interaction and long-distance trade was the Silk Road , which stretched across central and southwest Asia,linking China to India, western Aisa, and the Mediterranean.Along the Silk Road, goods,people and ideas travelled  thousands of miles between China,India, and Euroup.Silk, porcelain, bamboo from China were carried across the deserts, mountains, and grassland to Baghdad and eastern  Mediterranean ports, and the shipped by sea to Rome

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最佳答案 2016-05-15 15:23

▲第一句话由表时间状语的介词短语(from around 200 B.C. to around 1000 A. D.)、主句(the most significant example of interaction and long-distance trade was the Silk Road)、定语从句(which stretched across central and southwest Asia)和一个起补充说明作用的非谓语动词短语即现在分词短语(linking China to India, Western Asia, and the Mediterranean)构成。全句意思是:从公元前200年到公园1000年,互动和远距离贸易方面最重要的例子是横穿中亚和西南亚的丝绸之路,这条路把中国与印度、西亚和地中海连为一体。


▲第三句话同样是简单句。顺带一提的是,这里有一个拼写错误,即 and the应该改为and then。另外, and then shipped由于与前面的were carried是并列关系,所以省略了相同的助动词were,即完整结构应为and were then shipped。全句意思是:来自中国的丝绸、瓷器、竹子穿过沙漠、高山、草地,运到巴格达和地中海东部港口,然后经海路运往罗马。 

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黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

From around 200 B.C. to around 1000 A.D.是介词短语作时间状语, the most significant example of interaction and long-distance trade 是主语,was 是系动词,the Silk Road 是表语, which stretched across central and southwest Asia,linking China to India, western Aisa, and the Mediterranean 是非限制性定语从句。Along the Silk Road 是状语, goods,people and ideas 是主语,travelled 是谓语动词,thousands of miles between China,India, and Euroup 是状语。Silk, porcelain, bamboo 是主语,from China 是介词短语作后置定语, were carried 是谓语动词(被动语态),across the deserts, mountains, and grassland to Baghdad and eastern  Mediterranean ports, and the shipped by sea to Rome 是状语。

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