Man cannot live by bread alone. 是一句谚语,但我在不同地方看到了两种意思完全不同的翻译,不知哪句翻译才是准确的:
Man cannot live by bread alone.(谚语)人不能单靠面包生活。
Man cannot live by bread alone.(谚语)人活着不只是为了吃饭。
我们先来看看 Man cannot live by bread alone 的实际意思是什么。
1.《麦克米伦高阶学习词典》的解释是:used for saying that people need more than food, money, and possessions in order to have a good life
2.《美国英语习语和短语动词词典》的解释是:In order to survive, people need more than physical things like food and shelter; People need mental or spiritual things like satisfaction and love.
可见,Man cannot live by bread alone 的字面意思是“人不能仅靠面包生活”,但它强调的是精神需要和物质需要同等重要,即人不仅要吃饱穿暖,而且还要精神享受,所以将其翻译成“人活着不只是为了吃饭”也不是不可以。
Alan: I’m so miserable.
Jill: How can you be miserable? You’ve got a good place to live, plenty to eat, nice clothes…
Alan: But man does not live by bread alone.
1. Man cannot live by bread alone.
“人不能单靠面包生活。” —— 就这一种意思。
2. 如果表达第二种意思,需要更换介词:
Man cannot live for bread alone.
3. 介词 by 表示“依靠,依赖”;for 表示目的:“为了”。
Man cannot live for bread alone. “人不能只为了面包活着”。等于说:“人活着不只是为了吃饭”。