
请问 poverty destitution 在表示“穷困”意义时有什么区别?

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最佳答案 2016-03-02 21:13

▲poverty 是不可数名词。常指因缺乏经济来源而缺少生活必需品。例如:

There was a great deal of poverty in the part of the country.  该国那个地区十分贫穷。

He has been worn down by poverty and illness. 他贫病交迫,已被拖垮了。

Those who live in poverty seldom have the means to acquire adequate food, clothing and shelter. 那些生活在贫困中的人很少有获得足够衣、食、住的财力。

He feathered his nest so successfully that in two years he raised himself from poverty to opulence. 他营私自肥,连连得手,两年内就从穷光蛋变成了大富翁。

▲destitution 也是不可数名词。指缺乏食物、住所等基本生活必需品的极度贫困状态。暗示饥饿、无家可归或亟待救济等。例如:

The rich woman was horrified by the destitution of the poor family. 那个富有的妇女被该穷人家一无所有的赤贫状况吓坏了。

They lived in complete destitution. 他们过着一贫如洗的生活。

He did not put an end to his life as the means of escaping destitution. 他并未以结束自己的生命来逃避贫困。


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在表示“穷困”意义时,destitution 比 poverty 更正式,语义更重,英文解释为 extreme poverty,尤指已危及到生存的贫困状况。

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  • 王钊 提出于 2016-02-26 17:22
