
在The gas fire was turned low for reasons of economy.中,短语 for reasons of 中的 reasons 为什么要用复数呢?不是只有economy 这一个“原因”吗?这是不是习惯用法?或者是for reasons of 是固定搭配,reason 必须要用复数?请专家们解答,谢谢!

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最佳答案 2014-03-25 11:43

英语中,for reasons of这个词组十分常见,意为“由于......的原因”。此外,for the reason of和for reason of也有见到,但相对来说较为少见。估计在reason之前加定冠词the感到多了一个词,而reason之前不加冠词还用单数,不太符合语法,因为reason是可数名词。所以,人们习惯于使用for reasons of,比较适合口语。下面分别举出一些例句:

1. for reasons of

He retired for reasons of health.由于健康原因他退休了。

The road has been closed for reasons of safety.为了安全起见,路已经被封了。

He was dropped for reasons of his laziness.他由于懒惰而下岗。

He left the job for reasons of health.他因健康原因离职。

For reasons of his own, he refused to join the club.  他因个人原因拒不参加那个俱乐部。

For reasons of security the door is always kept locked.为了保证安全,门总是锁着的。

They switched to a new product for reasons of better profits.


The main tower has been closed for reasons of safety.为安全起见,主塔关闭了。

2. for the reason of

He died for the reason of smoking.他因吸烟而丧生。

He had to give up teaching for the reason of health.他因健康的原因不得不停止教学。

3. for reason of

This is often done in the literature for reason of a simpler presentation.为了简化说明常常在文献中这样做。

Other than above, supporting documents may be required for reason of late application.除上述文件外,申请人或需提供证明文件,以支持其逾期申请的理由。

The exhibitors are not allowed to cancel their application for participation or exhibition for reason of such change.但是,参展方不能以此为理由,取消参展申请或者展览会。

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