clash over和argue over有什么不同

Choose the most natural-sounding option:
A. My girlfriend and I clashed over whose turn it was to wash up.
B. My girlfriend and I argued over whose turn it was to wash up.

The answer is B.


(1) clash over 和 argue over 有什么不同?

(2) 如何理解句中的 whose?

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最佳答案 2016-02-26 11:51

(1) clash over 和 argue over 有什么不同?

clash over 和 argue over 均可表示“为……而发生争执”,但 clash over 较正式,且多用于新闻报道。如:

Troops clashed near the border. 军队在边境附近发生了冲突。

Differences in the aims of the two unions have led to serious clashes over policy. 两个工会的目标不同导致了政策方面的严重冲突。

用于日常生活中表示“为……而发生争执”多用 argue over。如:

They argued over money matters. 他们为钱的问题而争论。

你的句子属于日常生活用语,故用 argue over 较为合适。

(2) 如何理解句中的 whose?

句中的 whose 用于引导宾语从句,用作 argue over 的宾语。

句意为:My girlfriend and I argued over whose turn it was to wash up. 我与女朋友为谁来洗碗而争论。

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其它 1 个回答

黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

(1) clash over 和 argue over 有什么不同?

【答】clash over sth.的意思是“对某事持不同意见”,其中的 over 是介词,后面接宾语,不能接句子。例如:

Mary and her husband clash over the question where they should live. 对于在何处定居的问题,玛丽和丈夫意见不一。(席玉虎主编:《英语常用词用法详解大词典》p.681) 

argue over 的意思是“为......争吵”,后面可以接句子。例如:

They were arguing over who should have the car that day. 他们在为那天该谁用车而争吵。(摘自《牛津英语搭配词典》英汉双解版第2版)

They are arguing vociferously over who should pay the bill. 他们为谁该付那份账单大声争吵。(摘自《薄冰英语惯用法词典》)

(2) 如何理解句中的 whose?

【答】whose turn it was to do sth.的意思是“轮到谁做某事”。例如:

Whose turn was it to clean the classroom yesterday ? 昨天轮到谁做清洁?

He asked whose turn it was to clean the classroom yesterday. 他问昨天轮到谁做清洁。

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  • 王钊 提出于 2016-02-14 15:52
