5 《英语语法大全》adjuncts adverbials疑惑


该图截自《英语语法大全》51 2.15,图中划线部分没太看明白,adverbials是补充说明 ADJUNCTS and SUBJUNCTS吗,还是说他们是个名词短语一起的?如果是一起的话,我并没在书中见到过adjuncts adverbials这种短语。还请专家老师帮忙解答!

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adverbials可以看作是 ADJUNCTS and SUBJUNCTS 的同位语,相当于 they are adverbials which are...。即:

Such sentence adverbials are distinguished from ADJUNCTS and SUBJUNCTS, (they are) adverbials which are more closely integrated with the rest of the clause, and which include such familiar categories as adverbials of manner, place, time, and degree.

其实去掉 adverbials 也完全可以(逗号后关系代词which指代ADJUNCTS and SUBJUNCTS):

Such sentence adverbials are distinguished from ADJUNCTS and SUBJUNCTS, which are more closely integrated with the rest of the clause, and which include such familiar categories as adverbials of manner, place, time, and degree.


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