rather than的用法


Unless you are studying linguistics, however, you probably need only to understand, rather than to use, the verb "coin" as used in the context above

这个句子中the verb "coin" as used in the context above逗号然后后置是什么用法?

you probably need only to understand这里的only是修饰不定式吗?可以放在to前吗?

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Unless you are studying linguistics, however, you probably need only to understand, rather than to use, the verb "coin" as used in the context above

1. 这个句子中the verb "coin" as used in the context above逗号然后后置是什么用法?

答:因为 the verb "coin" as used in the context above 太长,如果把 rather than to use 放在句末,给人头重脚轻的感觉。类似的如:

Praise, rather than criticism, motivates children to do well. 称赞而不是批评可以激发孩子们做得很好。

Smoking, rather than genetics, was the cause of his early demise. 导致他英年早逝的原因是吸烟而非遗传。

2. you probably need only to understand这里的only是修饰不定式吗?可以放在to前吗?

答:这里的 only 不是修饰不定式,而是修饰 need to understand

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  • 伊234   提出于 2025-03-18 15:13