你的句子中的 indulge 后面可以加上介词 in,也可以省略。
如下面一句摘自《牛津英语搭配词典》vice词条(indulge 后面的介词in 被放在括号内,表示可以省略):
In England, on the contrary, the metropolis is a mere gathering-place, or general rendezvous, of the polite classes, where they devote a small portion of the year to a hurry of gayety and dissipation, and, having indulged this kind of carnival, return again to the apparently more congenial habits of rural life. (作者:Washington Irving)
参考译文1: 在英国,情形则刚好相反,大都会只是上流社会的临时聚集之所或定期会晤之地;他们一年一度地来到这里,恣情尽性于种种声色耳目之娱,而数月一过,他们又重返其恬静自适的乡居生活。(高健译)