It ought to be
universally made known, by means of
education, and for this purpose the best informed amongst us would be required
to go back to school, that the uses of our intellectual nature
are not to be properly realized, without a just regard to the laws of that
perishable frame with which it is connected, that, in cultivating the mind, we
must neither over-task nor under-task the body, neither push it to too great a
speed, nor leave it neglected; and that, notwithstanding this intimate
connection and mutual dependence, the highest merits on the part of the mind
will not compensate for muscles mistreated, or soothe a nervous system which
severe study has tortured into insanity.
1. It
ought to be universally made known, 后面跟了两个that
2. It
ought to be universally made known和第一个that被隔开了,放了一个句子,这是什么结构,为什么?