Fran Bagenal, an astrophysics and planetary science professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder and a member of the Voyager program's plasma science team, said in an email that at the time of the flyby, the team was "knocked over by the weirdness of a magnetic field" so tilted from the planet's spin axis and "did not think about much else."
这句话的from the planet这个from是与的意思吗?与地球的自转轴?
谢邀。这里的from 表示移动离开的意思。tilted 表示倾斜,那么这里即指偏离地球自转轴。你可以参考the free dictionary from词条的这个解释:
3. (used to express removal or separation, as in space, time, or order): two miles from shore; 30 minutes from now; from one page to the next.