3 the same as和as as结构中第二个as是什么词性(请教曹老师)

请教曹老师一个问题,the same asas as结构中第二个as是什么词性,后边使用主宾格的问题,谢谢您!

His book is the same as mine.

He has the same book as i do.

He has the same book as I或者是me么? 


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His book is the same as mine. as为连词,mine后省略了is。

He has the same book as i do. as为连词。

He has the same book as I或者是me?当as I do 省略do时,口语体通常用宾格代词me替换 I。此时as则被重新分析为介词。as I 这种形式不够自然,要么改为as I do, 要么改为as me. 

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