3 denounce 后面可接双宾语吗

They denounced him as a criminal. 他们告发他是罪犯。

请问句中的 as 可以省略吗?即denounce后面可接双宾语吗?

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1 个回答

龙 楠   - 英语教师

表示指责…”“告发…”,可用denounce…as…,其中的as习惯上不能省略,也不能换成to be。如下面各句中的 as 均不宜省略,也不宜换成 to be

He denounced the election as a farce. 他谴责这次选举是一次闹剧。

She denounced him as a male chauvinist pig. 她指责他是个可恶的大男子主乂者。

His former followers now denounce him as a traitor. 他以前的拥护者现在斥责他是个叛徒。

Union officials denounced the action as a breach of the agreement. 工会负责人谴责这一行动破坏了协议。

He denounced all landlords and money-lenders as evil predators. 他痛斥所有地主和放债者都是罪恶的剥削者。

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