3 翻译“车窗”用什么介词

During my first visit to Italy, I struggled to ask for directions or order in a restaurant. But every time I tried to string a sentence of Italian together, the locals smiled at me and praised my language skills. That encouragement helped me to get through the language barrier. After I made Italy my permanent home, I discovered how warm-hearted Italians are. Neighbors will bring me freshly made cheese and will come to my door to remind me to close the window in my car when rain is coming. It’s these small acts of kindness that make a new country feel like home.

上面是 2024 年新高考全国卷2完形填空中的一段话。

这里用 the window in my car 来表示“车窗”,为什么不用介词 of 呢?比如 the window of my car

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3 个回答

蒋学文   - 英语教师

是的,表示“车窗”,英语通常是用介词 of,如the window of my car

He wound down the window of his car and leant out to ask the way. 他摇下车窗,探出身子问路。

但用 in 说成 the window in my car 也是可以的,如上面的高考题。

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huck finn   - 语言学爱好者


1)使用in,是关注到空间位置关系,window in my car类似于cupboard in the wall,有嵌入的意象——虽然与典型的位于内部的情形有些许差异,但依然属于in的范畴。

2)使用of,则是明示领属关系,看到of就会浮现my car has a window的内容。

3)使用car window,则是未对领属关系加以明示,其构造方式是整体名词+部分名词。许多合成词都遵循着这种构造方式,例如door knobfingertiptoilet seat等。

上面三种表达的使用频率为my car window > the window of my car > the window in my car

总体而言,window in my car的使用频率小于window of my car,可能是考虑到window是车的构成部分,具有较强的内在关联,所以of的接受度更高(关于of表示内在关联的内容可参考Grammar and Conceptualization p74-75)。




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凡哥英语   - 归师

in表范围,of 表所属。the window of the car, 侧重的是窗属车所有,而不是其它。而文章此处是强调,要下雨了,车窗要关好,强调的是范围—车“范围”内的窗都要关好,而不是去对比其它的窗(比如房间的窗之类)。




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  • 李思敏   提出于 2024-10-13 17:07
