
(1) 独句并列,两句话——省略第二句中的宾语,不省略 adj,predicate。例:

Up to the age 30 or so, poetry had given him great pleasure. Formerly, too, pictures had given him considerable.
(2) and / comma 引出的异主并列,一句话——省略第二句中的 predicate,人称宾语,数词升级为代词。例:

Her face was flawless, her skin alabaster.
Love asks faith, faith firmness.
A spider has 8 legs, and an insect never more than

Pictures had given him considerable pleasure ,and music very great delight.
(3) comma 引出的同主并列,一句话——省略第二句中的主语。例:

Alfred the Great acted as his own spy, he disguised as a minstrel visiting Danish camps.

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最佳答案 2015-12-25 15:43


(1) 没有所谓的独句并列情况。你引用的这个例子并不是并列结构(coordination),而是先后承接的两个独立句子。

这两句话出自 Mayo W. Hazeltine 所著的一篇叫“Charles Darwin: His Place in Modern Science”的文章,这篇文章被节选为了2008年考研英语英译汉翻译题的文本。

在原文中,这两句话是这样的:Up to the age of thirty or beyond it poetry of many kids gave him great pleasure. Formerly, too, pictures had given him considerable, and music very great, delight.

所以真正有省略现象的是“Formerly ... delight.”这句话,和上一句话无关。你引用的例句断章取义了。

去掉前面的“formerly, too”,这句话扩充为完整的并列句应该是:

• Pictures had given him considerable delight, and music had given him very great delight.


• Pictures had given him considerable delight, and music ___ very great delight.

然后省略第一句的句尾成分,即充当宾语的名词短语里的中心语 delight,变为:

• Pictures had given him considerable ___, and music ___ very great, delight.



• She knew of but never mentioned my other work. 她听说过我的其他作品,但从未提起过。(两个动词短语共享宾语)

• He was accused of but found not guilty of stalking a woman for seven year. 他被指控跟踪一名妇女七年,但被裁决无罪。(两个动词短语共享介词补足语)

• She was then, is now, and will be, devoted to the cause of peace. 她以前会,现在会,未来也将会,为和平事业献身。(两个动词短语共享被动语态中的ed分词短语)

• Kim may accept, but Pat will certainly reject, the management's new proposal. 金也许会接受管理层的这项提议,但帕特肯定会反对。(两个分句共享宾语)

另外,原作者对宾语的理解也不太准确,并列的两句话的宾语应该是 considerable delight 和 very great delight。

delight 在作为宾语的名词短语中只是中心词,并不是宾语。

(2) 第二种情况基本没问题,但有个术语错误。

 predicate 是谓语,指的是句子中除主语外、描述主语的部分,一般是动词短语。动词只是谓语中的一部分(因而叫谓语动词)。

谓语动词本身充当的成分叫述语(predicative 或 predicator),或者直接叫动词(比如 SVO 译为“主动宾”)。


• Their daughter studied law, their son ___ medicine. 他们女儿学的是法律,而儿子学的是医学。(省略述语)

• Ed had given me earrings for Christmas and Bob ___ a necklace for my birthday. 爱德送了我耳环当圣诞节礼物,鲍勃送了我项链当生日礼物。(省略述语和间接宾语)

• Jill came to Fiji in 1967 and her parents ___ the following year. 吉尔1967年到的斐济,她父母次年也到了斐济。(省略述语和补足语/地点状语)

• His father wanted him to marry Sue, but his mother Louise. 他父亲想让他娶苏,但他母亲想让他娶露易丝。(省略述语和补足语中一部分)

• I wanted the Indian to win, my wife ___ the Italian ___.我想要印度队赢,我妻子想要意大利队赢。(省略述语和宾语补足语)

• With Jill intent on resigning and Pat ___ on following her example, we look like losing our two best designers. 吉尔坚决要辞职,帕特也要步她的后尘,看起来我们一下子失去了两名最好的设计师。(省略形容词)

(3) 这句话根本不是同主并列,原作者误把过去分词 disguised 理解为了同形的过去式,造出了错误的句子,说明他并没有掌握 disguise 的用法。

及物动词 disguise 的用法是:disguise sb/sth (as sb/sth)。例如:

• I disguised the spots on my face with make-up. 我用化妆品盖住脸上的斑点。

• The raiders disguised themselves as security guards. 袭击者都装扮成了保安人员。

• He escaped across the border disguised as a priest. 他装扮成神父越境逃走了。




• I got dressed and had my breakfast. 我穿好衣服,吃了早餐。

• He asked for ice for his whiskey and proceeded to get drunk.他要求给他的威士忌里面加冰,接着喝得大醉。


• Who lives in college and has a car? 有谁住在大学还有车的?

• She was very bright and had a warm personality. 她很聪明,为人热情。


• We ran and ran. 我们跑啊跑。

• We laughed and laughed. 我们笑个不停。

当然,主语相同且句子末尾也有成分相同时,可以出现我在上文 (1) 中说的第二种省略。

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