2 主系表倒装句的规律(“主系表”变成“表系主”)

But equally important is the mental aspect.



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最佳答案 2024-09-21 08:21


More important to many proliferation experts is the political braindrain of thousands of former Soviet nuclear scientists.

That is a hard lesson to grasp, but harder still is the fact that choking requires us to concern ourselves less with the performer and more with the situation in which the performance occurs.

This director is at last being re-evaluated and given his proper place in the history of the German film. Most charming was his tongue-in-cheek "Unheimliche Geschichten " (1920), five ghosts stories with a light touch.


Just as important is the question of tolerance.


Particularly important was the discovery that many computer viruses have no known source.

其实,所有这些In essence, this structure is analogous to the comparative/superlative + adjective structure. Emphatic adverbials like particularly, in (85), function in the same way as a comparative or superlative morpheme

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是的,网友的句子是一个全部倒装句。这种倒装句是表语(主语补语)前置引起的全部倒装,多因尾焦(end-focus),尾重(end-weight),或二者兼而有之,而将主语置于句末,使之成为语义焦点,信息核心。所以,网友的句子把表语(主语补语)equally important前置于句首,句末的the mental aspect便成为了语义焦点,信息核心。


ln consequencesuch fronting naturally carries with it the inversion that puts S in final position, and indeed it is to achieve end focus on the S that the fronting is generally undertaken:

CVS: Especially remarkable was her oval face. [1b]

CVS: Faint grew the sound of the bell. [2b]

AVS: ln a distant grave lies his beloved body. [3b]



More serious was the question of how the President would present the joint announcement.


What Uncle Conroy did was important, but more important was the way he did things.

表语(主语补语)前置引起的全部倒装这一语法内容,在Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English Fronted predicatives一节有比较系统的阐述。感兴趣地话,可以阅读。

最后补充一下Bas Aartsend-focusend-weight的解释:

1. end-focus: A term used in CGEL to refer to the placing of the most important information in a sentence or clause (the focus) at the end.

2. end-weight: A term used in CGEL to refer to the tendency of longer (i.e. heavier) units of information to come at the end of a sentence or clause. Since new information may need more detailed explanation than given information, end-weight often goes hand-in-hand with end-focus.


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陈才   - 英语教师

But equally important is the mental aspect.

=But the mental aspect is equally important.


Equally important is engaging in physical exercise

=Engaging in physical exercise is equally important.

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  • 马远兵   提出于 2024-09-18 18:06