3 主谓一致问题(单三主语连用复动词)

It’s important that he study hard.

请问这里的主语是单数第三人称,为什么动词用 study,而不用 studies 呢?

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这就是所谓的虚拟语气。在It’s important that...后面的主语从句,通常用所谓的虚拟语气,即谓语动词用“should+动词原形,但在美国英语中,通常省略should,只保留动词原形。又如:

It’s important that he (should) be told. 一定要告诉他,这很重要。

It’s important that the meeting (should) start on time. 会议务必准时开始。

It’s important that everybody (should) feel comfortable. 要紧的是让大家都感到很舒服。

It’s important that we (should) be there on time. 重要的是我们必须按时到达。

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It is important that…句式中,that分句中的谓语动词多用be-型虚拟式或推定式should,即动词原形或should+不带to的不定式。正如牛老师所言,动词原形多用于美国英语,而should do多用于英国英语。


it is important to somebody that…

It's very important to me that you be there.

(British English) It's very important to me that you should be there.


It is important that every one of us (should) do the best he can. (should主要用于英国英语)

lt is important that every one of us does the best he can.(很少用)


Longman Collocations Dictionary and Thesaurus (p.1111)

It is important that the patient understands the risks.

朗文英语词典Examples from the Corpus

lt is important that everyone understands the risks involved in this plan.

不过,在考试英语中,建议使用动词原形或should do,最好不用陈述式动词。


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