2 动名词前用宾格代词与所有格代词的疑问

I cannot understand him / his behaving like that.

这个句子用 him, his 都可以吗?有什么区别?

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龙 楠   - 英语教师

你的句子用 him, his 都可以,其区别是:用所有格比较正式,在口语或非正式文体用宾格比较普通。又如:

I object to him / his smoking in restaurants. 我反对他在饭店里吸烟。

I like him / his playing the guitar. 我喜欢他弹吉它。

He insisted on my / me reading it. 他坚持要我读一读。

Please forgive my / me breaking my promise. 请原谅我违背了诺言。

I can’t fancy him / his doing such a thing. 我无法想像他会做那样的事。


The blockage in the pipe stopped the water getting through. 水管里的阻塞物使水流不过去。

The government must stop public money going down the drain. 政府必须停止浪费国家资金。

We’ll fight to prevent these houses being torn down. 我们要为阻止拆毁这些房屋而斗争。


This will help stop people dying of AIDS. 这有助于使人们避免死于艾滋病。

They did their best to prevent young children coming to any harm. 他们尽一切力量使小孩子不受到损害。

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  • 胡蓝梅   提出于 2024-08-28 20:31