5 病人与医生的对话(有翻译)


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最佳答案 2024-09-03 23:04


A: My name is John Smith. I’d like to make an appointment with Dr Black sometime this week. 我叫约翰. 史密斯,我想在这个星期的某个时候请布莱克医生看病。

B: Have you seen the doctor before? 你以前找布莱克医生看过病吗?

A: No. This is the first time. 没有,这还是第一次。

B: Who referred you to Dr Black? 谁介绍你来找布莱克医生的呢?

A: UCLA Hospital. UCLA 医院。

B: What seems to be the problem? 你哪儿不舒服?

A: I’ve been coughing for the last few days, and I’ve got a sore throat. 最近几天我一直咳嗽,并且还喉痛。

B: How about tomorrow afternoon at three? 明天下午3点怎样?

A: That’ll be fine. Thank you very much. Bye. 很好,多谢你了,再见。

B: See you tomorrow afternoon. 明天下午见。

(第二天下午,John Smith来到预约的医院,首先是要挂号(registration),即在签名簿上签名或向护士报到)

A: Miss, I have an appointment with Dr Black at three. 小姐,我与布莱克医生3点钟有预约。

B: May I have your name please? 请问你叫什么名字?

A: John Smith. 约翰. 史密斯。

B: Please have a seat and fill out this form. When you complete it, please return it to me. 请坐,填好这张张表,然后交给我。

(约翰. 史密斯填好表后,交给护士)

B: Do you have insurance? 你参加保险了吗?

A: Yes, here is my insurance card. 参加了,这是我的保险卡。

B: OK. Please wait over there. It won’t take too long. 好的,请在那边等一下,不会很久的。

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