3 表示让步的短语有哪些


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最佳答案 2024-09-03 23:01


1. despite…

She ran the race despite an injury. 尽管她受了伤,还是参加了比赛。

Despite our objections, he insisted on driving. 尽管我们反对,他仍坚持开车。

Despite our best efforts to save him, the patient died during the night. 尽管我们尽全力抢救,这个病人还是在夜间去世了。

2. in spite of…

She went ahead in spite of the snow. 尽管下着雪,她依旧继续前行。

He failed the test in spite of all his studying. 尽管他学习很努力,可考试还是没及格。

The ship sailed out of the harbour in spite of the storm. 尽管风暴很大,船还是驶出了海港。

3. for all…

She still loves him, for all his faults. 尽管他有许多毛病,但她依然爱他。

For all his confident talk, he is actually very unsure of himself. 尽管他的话听起来很自信,但实际上他对自己非常没信心。

For all the problems, it was a valuable experience. 尽管还存在许多问题,这仍不失为一次宝贵的经验。

4. with all…

With all his money he is unhappy. 尽管他有钱,但他不幸福。

With all her faults I still love her. 尽管她有种种缺点,我依然爱着她。

With all its faults, democracy is still the best system we have. 尽管有种种缺陷,民主仍然是我们最好的体制。

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