3 “情态状语”是什么意思

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陈根花   - 华文出版传媒执行主编


1. 要想知道什么是“情态状语”,首先要弄清什么是“情态”。“情态modality)主要指说话人对真实性、可能性、趋向性、必要性、必然性、责任或义务等的态度或看法。关于“情态”,我们比较熟悉的相关概念是“情态动词”(modal verbs),而情态动词的主要用法也正是表示真实性、趋向性、必要性、必然性、责任或义务等。

2. 所谓的“情态状语modal adverbial / modality adverbial),可以简单地理解为具有情态意义的状语,在通常情态下,所谓的“情态状语”,大多由“情态副词modal adverb)充当,这类副词(有时也可能是短语)如 perhaps, maybe, possibly, probably, certainly, assuredly, clearly, definitely, no doubt, not...at all 等。

3. 情态状语的作用主要有三个:


He is certainly innocent. 他无疑是清白的。

No doubt Tom is the cleverest. 汤姆肯定是最聪明的。

Some fruits don’t freeze well at all. 有些水果根本就不能冷藏。


Perhaps I shall come across him in Paris. 也许我会在巴黎见到他。

Maybe I ought to phone her. 也许我该给她打个电话。

She was possibly the greatest writer of her generation. 她也许是她那个时代最伟大的作家。

He has probably arrived by now. 这会儿他可能已经到了。


You alone can do it well. 只有你才能把这件事做好

Only persons with tickets will be allowed entry. 只有持票的人才允许入场。

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huck finn   - 语言学爱好者

《剑桥英语语法》(The Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language)情态状语作出了较为详细的阐述,一些说法和陈老师的上述讲解不谋而合。

1. 具体来说,《剑桥英语语法》767-771页对Modal Adjunct(情态附加语)展开了较为详细论述。其中768页基于情态强度对情态副词modal adverbs进行了分类:

In discussing the meanings of the modal auxiliaries we distinguished three levels of strength, according to the speaker’s commitment to the truth of the proposition, or to the actualisation of the situation, expressed by their complement. Must, need, will, and shall are strong, should and ought are medium, can and may are weak. Necessarily, probably, possibly are then examples of adverbs belonging respectively to the three categories. 这里对情态助动词和情态副词进行了类比,在此基础上,又增加了quasi-strong一类,共四类,表示对命题真实性和情境现实性的看法。下图摘自wikipedia 


2. 除了情态附加语,《剑桥英语语法》还提到了情态修饰语(438页),即情态副词用在名词短语中的情形

3. 此外,《剑桥英语语法》指出(767),情态意义可以通过动词(主要是情态助动词)、形容词和副词来实现。

4. 可能也有观点认为,除了副词外,也会存在介词短语作情态状语。暂时查到的相关资料较少,这里不作分析。


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