3 nearly可以放在动词之后吗

误:We were late, and missed nearly the train.

正:We were late, and nearly missed the train.

书上说,上面的误句是因为 nearly 的位置放错了,即要放在动词之前,而不能放在动词之后。

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最佳答案 2024-07-28 14:38

nearly 放在动词之前或之后都可以,只是要看它是修饰谁。假若是修饰动词,则放在动词之前,若是修饰动词后面的宾语,则放在动词之后和宾语之前,也就是,nearly 修饰谁就放在谁的前面。


We were late, and nearly missed the train. 我们迟到了,差点误了火车。

I nearly tripped over the cat. 我差点被猫绊倒。

I nearly fainted in the heat. 我差点热得昏了过去。

I nearly died laughing when he said that. 他说那话时我差点要笑破肚皮。


I’ve nearly finished. 我已经差不多完成了。

His researches are nearly finished now. 他的研究工作已基本完成。


The war lasted nearly a decade. 战争持续了将近十年。

We got married nearly forty years ago. 我们差不多是在四十年前结的婚。

Our extension is nearly finished. 我们的扩建部分已接近完工。

Gross sales reached nearly $2 million a year. 全年总销售额达到近二百万美元。

He raised nearly $30 million in campaign funds. 他筹集到了近 3,000 万美元的宣传活动经费。

除此之外,nearly 也可能修饰其他成分(如修饰主语),同样要放在被修饰成分之前。

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  • 陈书国   提出于 2024-07-23 12:20