5 简单句和并列句的判断

1. Zhang Tian graduated from university and got a teacher's certificate last year.

2. l got dressed and had my breakfast.

3. He asked for ice for his whiskey and proceeded to get drunk.


4. She won the prize and astonished them all.

5. She went to the clinic and saw a doctor.

6. A high position was offered him, but was declined.


7. The author describes how a rattlesnake injects its toxin using its fangs, and a male platypus delivers its toxin using spurs on its ankles.


1. 16句到底应该判定为简单句还是并列句?对这6个句子具体的判定标准是什么?

2. 为何第7句在and后省略了how,并列宾语从句省略第二分句的连接词有可靠的理论依据吗?还是并列分句统辖在一个连接词之下?还有类似这样的权威例句吗?

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最佳答案 2024-06-09 16:40


01She stood up and went out=She stood up and she went out.

2. 但有观点认为,如果两个谓语动词表达了不可分离的一个过程,或者两个动词具有直接的因果关系,则宜视为并列谓语。

02He fired and killed the wolf.

    此句宜理解为并列谓语,因为firedkilled the wolf有直接的因果关系,不宜被视为两个可分割过程。


  03Mary sang and danced at the party.

  04Mary sang and then danced at the party.

句(03)的sang and danced可视为不可分离的同一个过程(边跳边唱),则不宜理解为并列句省略主语,不等同于Mary sang and she danced at the party;句(04)则为并列句省略主语,因为两个动词表达了两个不同的过程,故= Mary sang and then she danced at the party

3. 按上述第2条所引用的观点,我觉得上述6句大多是并列句省略主语,但句(4)宜视为并列谓语。


05Mary stood up and began to dance.

   虽然此句中两个谓语动作是可分离的,但Royal English Grammar依然认为一般情况下这被视为一个简单句(并列谓语);如果在and 后添加主语she,则为并列句。同时,作者又认为有时候难以区分究竟是并列句还是并列谓语。

Quirk似乎也有这个意思,在CGOEL13.12一节他说:And and or may link constituents smaller than a clause; for example, they may link predicates, thus in effect allowing ellipsis of a second or subsequent subject :

06I may see you tomorrow or (I) may phone later in the day.


 Quirk认为是两可的。他继续分析道:For example, the coordinate construction in :

07They have already finished their work and gone home.

can be viewed as a clause coordination in which a subject, operator, and adverbial have been ellipted(主语、操作词和状语省略的分句并列); or it can be viewed as a single clause containing two coordinate predications.(含有两个并列谓语的单一分句)


5. 在并列连词连接两个wh-名词性分句时,第二个以及后面的分句都可以省略wh-连接代词或连接副词。例如:

08I noticed how Mary talked to them and (how) they answered her. (GCE)


09They admired a man who could make up his mind quickly and (who) would keep his word.

10 If I can find the letter and (if) you are interested in it, I'll let you have it.

11He asked to be transferred, because he was unhappy, (because) he saw no drospect of promotion, and (because) conditions were far better at the other office. 

12He didn't tell us whether to wait for him or (whether) to go on without him. 



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