Still water runs deep.
Smooth water runs deep.
Still waters run deep.
Smooth waters run deep.
请问句中的 deep 是形容词还是副词?是方式状语还是表语?
《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》第9版P2430:waters [plural] the water in a particular lake, river, sea or ocean (某一江、河、湖、海的)水域
the grey waters of the River Clyde 克莱德河灰蒙蒙的河水
This species is found in coastal waters around the Indian Ocean.在环印度洋沿岸的水域有这一物种。
He spent the summer among the mountains and waters.他整个夏日都在山水之中度过。
Waters foam and sparkle in the river. 河水泛起白沫,闪闪发。
Never dive in strange waters. 千万不要在陌生的水域中潜水。
in deep waters在困境中(偶尔亦用单形water)
in smooth waters 境况顺利(偶尔亦用单形water)
muddy the waters 把水搞混
fish in troubled waters混水摸鱼
pour oil upon (或on) troubled waters平息争端
Still waters run deep.静水流深(喻表面淡漠但内心情深或大智若愚)。
3. You sometimes use waters to refer to a situation which is very complex or difficult.
The British Government may be in stormy economic waters.