3 英语静态动词分类(不能用于进行时态的动词)


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最佳答案 2024-01-04 12:12



1. 动词be have

主动词be have(表示“有”)是最常用的静态动词。

2. 含有静态动词be have 意义的动词。如:

apply to, belong to, compare, concern, consist of, contain, cost, depend on, deserve, differ from, equal, exist, hold, interest, involve, fit, lack, matter, measure, own, possess, resemble, stand for, weigh 等。

3. 表示感觉的动词。如:

feel, hear, see, smell, taste 等。

4. 表示心理或情感状态的动词这类动词。如:

assume, believe, care, considerdetestenvy, expect, fear, feel (= think), find (= consider), forget, hate, hope, imagine, know, like, love, mean, mind, notice, prefer, regret, remember, suggest, suppose, think, understand, want, wish 等。


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陈才   - 英语教师


1】表示各种包含容纳关系的动词contain, belong, consist of, have, concern, owe, involve, resemble, differ, exist, hold, cost, fit, lack, matter, compare, deserve, measure, weigh等。

The hall can contain1, 000people.大厅可以容纳1000人。

The report consists of five parts.这个报告包括五部分。

The camera cost200.这架照相机值200元。

2】表示感觉感知的动词feel, see, taste, smell, hear等。

The little girl saw a black dog beside the door.小女孩看见门边有只黑狗。

3】表示心理状态的动词think, believe, know, consider, hope, want, mean, forget, remember, expect, understand, leave, hate, like regret, envy, admire, suppose, fear, care等。

He hates being pushed around.他讨厌任人摆布。

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