3 like介词短语、what名词性从句和by作主语的分析

1. If , like most writers these days , you are holding down a job to pay the bills , it is not easy to find the time to write.


2. They are absolutely altering the food chain beyond what I think even they understand what they are doing.

问题2:请教曹老师,这个beyond后面的宾语从句中第一个what是作think的宾语吗?如果是,那么they understand what they are doing.又怎么分析呢?我看不懂这个从句套从句的结构。

3. Among the most popular ways they are doing this , the company said , is by reducing their overall expenses , securing life insurance or maximizing their contributes to retirement accounts.


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最佳答案 2023-11-30 16:11

1 是的。

2 删去第二个what。

3 介词短语偶尔可以用作主语。

例如:From Beijing to Tianjin is two hours by train. Will after the show be soon enough? (夸克的例句)

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