4 who引导主语从句的用疑点

Who wants the ticket may have it.

请问这句话里的 who 用得对吗?

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最佳答案 2024-03-30 16:27

Who wants the ticket may have it.


Whoever wants the ticket may have it. 谁想要这张票就拿去。

Anyone who wants the ticket may have it. 谁想要这张票就拿去。

不过,在较古老的英语中,who 是可以用作融合连接代词的(=whoever),但在现代英语中一般不这样用了,你查一些新出版的词典也查不到类似用法。

下面给出一例 who 用作融合连接代词的(=whoever)的例子:

Who steals my purse steals trash. 谁偷我的钱包就相当于是偷了垃圾。(摘自莎士比亚的《奥赛罗》)

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1Swan认为,在古老英语中,who的用法和what差不多,可以引导名词性定语从句,who的意思同the person whowhoeveranybody who。但是,现代英语中很少见。


*Who / Whoever helped me has gone.CGEL(whoever=the person who)

* Who / Whoever telephoned you has left the office now.LEG(whoever=the person who)


1. Who will not hear will be made to feel. 不听人言,苦在眼前。

2. Who swims in sin shall sink in sorrow. 恶有恶报。

3. Who has never tasted what is bitter does not know what is sweet. 不知苦者不觉甜。

4. Who finds himself without friends is like a body without a soul. 人若无友,行尸走肉。


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  • purui   提出于 2023-11-25 20:54