4 as...as sth allow 的理解

Kids can test their skills and compare their abilities to the animals of Yellowstone. Stay for as little or as long as your plans allow. Meet in front of the VisitorEducationCenter.



请问这里的 Stay for as little or as long as your plans allow 如何理解?有的人将它翻译成“在你的计划允许的情况下,待的时间尽可能短或尽可能长”。感觉这个翻译有点奇怪。


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最佳答案 2023-11-25 12:45

Stay for as little or as long as your plans allow 的字面意思是你待的时间可以与你的计划允许你待的时间一样长或一样短,也就是说,你的计划允许你待多久你就可以待多久。稍微调整一下,意思就是:根据你的计划,你待的时间可长可短。/ 只要你的计划允许,你参与的时间长短不限。等等。

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其它 1 个回答

陈才   - 英语教师

Stay for as little (as your plans allow 省略) or (stay for 省略) as long as your plans allow.

备注(1):as little as 表示比较...一样少

备注(2) :as long as 表示比较...一样长

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  • 2 关注
  • 0 收藏,1330 浏览
  • 彭新军   提出于 2023-11-02 12:09