2 raising verb 是什么意思

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(In some forms of Transformational Grammar) The moving of a noun phrase from a position within an embedded clause to a position in the main clause.

Transformational Grammar is concerned, among other things, with the different syntactical ways of 'saying the same thing'. A rule of raising is a rule that seeks to explain how the subject or object of a clause is raised to form a constituent of a higher clause, while preserving approximately the same meaning.

In the sentence

The board considers that Mr Smith is unsuitable for the post.

Mr Smith is the subject of the subordinate clause.If we reword it as

The board considers Mr Smith (to be) unsuitable for the post.

we have (by object raising) raised Mr Smith to object position in the main clause.

In a different sort of transformation,subject raising is achieved:

It appears that Mr Smith does not mind.

can become

Mr Smith appears not to mind.

with Mr Smith now subject of the main clause.

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凡哥英语   - 归师

这是syntax(句法)中的术语。在syntax中,raising是指一种现象:动词在句子中出现的位置比根据其语意所预期的位置更高。而raising verb就是指出现在较高位置的动词,往往和后接的不定式补语创造出一种结构,使得较低位的主词(或受词)成为较高位的主词(或受词),简单说来,raising verb对应两类句型(句法特征):

1. 都是不及物动词,但是不能单纯以名词片语为主语,而是要接不含主词的不定式补语:

Bro. Fan seems to be a good man.

seemsraising verb,出现在较高位置,使得Bro. Fan同时作为seema good man的主词;

2. 可以it为主词,同时以that子句为补语:

It seems that Bro. Fan is a good man.

实际上,上述例句都是由下述例句的基层结构,经过所谓的主词提升(subject raising)——将充当补语的主词提升到主句句首而产生。比如:

seems Bro. Fan to be a good man. --->

Bro. Fan seems to be a good man.



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