
1 Most of what we call geniuses are successful only because they have made extraordinary efforts. 

2 They are what is called "the lowly" in capitalist society.

赵振才老师对此类句提供两种分析思路:what we call,what is called等视为半插入语,或者将what解释为融合关系代词。



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最佳答案 2023-10-23 12:34


      插入语(parentheticals)这个概念大家的理解经常不一,但比较常见的就是结构上独立,不和其它成分发生语法上的联系,语义上,表示一种态度,解释或进一步的说明,删除后不影响句子基本意义的完整,从这几个条件看,上面两个句子里相关成分虽然能够删除,但是语义上是可能有变化的。因为这个what其实就是个所谓的缩合关系代词或者连接代词,在这种句子构里起着一种变量的作用,和其它成分一起构成语义界定范围,而后面的东西才是要表达的定量,所以,what is called/ what we call 等类似的句子有时起着一种限定作用,删除以后不能保证句子的精确性。从结构上看,虽然有时候删除不影响意义,但是,这个删除的成分和句子是有着语法结构上的联系的,而删除的东西也不是一个独立完整的概念。语法研究者确实有人把这种结构看作插入语,但据我看到的资料,属于少数。多数是把它们看作自由关系从句,而且有个专门的名称叫 明晰自由关系从句(Transparent Free Relatives),geniusesthe lowly这些被称为Transparent Nucleus.  引个例子:

1. John saw what he believed to be racoons outside. (Schütze & Stockwell 2019: 1)

2. John ate what Mary cooked .

1句是TFR2句是FR。个人理解--这么称呼可能是因为自由关系从句所表达的一般都是模糊变量,而这里的明晰自由关系从句却含有明确的模糊变量的对应核心词,这个核心词与前面的what结构变量描述当然有语义重叠,所以,删除了好像对句子意义影响也不大(John saw raccoons outside (or at least, what he believed to be raccoons)there is debate over whether this accurately reflects the meaning of (1).),这多少反映了这个成分语义上有插入语的性质. 要注意的是,我们说插入语或者自由关系从句是从功能性质方面解释的,具体到句法结构里的成分,应该是按常规来解析,比如上面ab句,what-clause的句法成分当然是作saw的宾语。

    小王同学说,Most of what we call geniuses are successful only because they have made extraordinary efforts. 不能分析为插入语,给出的结构理由很充分,去掉了what we call ,most of geniuses 不成立了,句法上证明有关联性。

这种明晰自由关系从句公认的只有what一词能引导,最近也有学者认为who在某些情况下也可以(看例句总觉得意思很别扭,暂且排除)。而用在what明晰自由关系从句里的动词应该是能带有补语的动词(包括宾补,表语补语等predicative complements )如callnamedescribe, believeseem,等,就是说,what在意义上是核心词的逻辑主语.指人的时候也用what,看几个例子,了解一下TFRFR的区别:

John should have married what/*who his mother would call a traditional woman.

a. What John calls pebbles are lying on the lawn.

b. What John calls a banjo is lying on his desk.(Schelfhout, Coopen & Oosdijk 2004)

 standard free relatives appear in the position that is occupied by nominals, where as transparent free relatives can be treated as AP, AdvP, PP, and nonfinite VP. If the kernel element is an AP, the whole free relative is regarded as AP.

a. You’re definitely not [ AP what any one would describe as ecstatic].

b. In that process I begin to work [ AdvP what I would call creatively].

c. She definitely wasn’t [ PP what she’d call in love with Sam Butler].

d. We started [ nonfinite VP what we call picking corn].

(Kim 2011)

transparent free relatives are transparent with regard to grammatical category as well as number agreement.

(19) *There is what you ordered on your desk.

(20) a. There is what John might call a banjo on his desk.

b. *There is what John might call his banjo on his desk.

(Schelfhout, Coopen & Oosdijk 2004)

The ungrammaticality of the sentence (19) suggests that the standard free relative clause is definite. On the contrary, the definiteness of transparent free relatives seems to change depending on the clause-internal kernel NPs.


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the freedictionary引用Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary的内容,对代词what的释义之一为:the kind of thing or person that。也就是说,当what引导名词性关系分句而指人的时候,what指的是the kind of person(s) that, 而不是the person(s) who.

你的以上二个句子中的what从句都是名词性关系分句。插入语的解释是讲不通的。第一,插入语必须用逗号与句子其他部分分隔。第二,插入语不影响句子意思。而以上二个句子中并没有逗号分隔,而且去掉what we callwhat is called,句子意思是不同的。你的二个句子可以分别作如下理解:

1 Most of what we call geniuses are successful only because they have made extraordinary efforts.

= Most of the kinds of people that we call geniuses are successful only because they have made extraordinary efforts.

2 They are what is called "the lowly" in capitalist society.

= They are the kind of person that is called "the lowly" in capitalist society.

关于what引导名词性关系分句时主句和从句谓语动词数的问题,可以参读the freedictionarywhat这种用法的说明:

Usage Note: When what is the subject of a clause, it takes a singular verb if the word or phrase that completes the sentence (the complement) is singular, as in I see what seems to be a dead tree. It is plural if a plural noun or noun phrase completes the sentence, as in He sometimes makes what seem to be gestures of reconciliation. · Clauses with what as either subject or object may themselves be the subject of a sentence, and sometimes it is difficult to decide whether the verb of the main clause should be singular or plural. When the what in the what-clause is the object of the verb and the complement of the main clause is singular, the main verb is always singular: What they wanted was a home of their own; when the complement of the main sentence is plural, the verb is most often plural: What American education needs are smaller classes, though one also encounters sentences such as What the candidate gave the audience was the same old empty promises. When what is the subject of a what-clause that is the subject of a main clause, there is greater variation in usage. When the verb of the what-clause and the complement of the main clause are both plural or both singular, the number of the verb of the main clause generally agrees with them. When the verb in the what-clause is singular and the complement in the main clause is plural, one finds both singular and plural verbs being used. Sentences similar to both of the following are found in respected writers: What drives me crazy is her frequent tantrums; What bothers him are the discrepancies in their accounts. When the complement of the main clause consists of two or more nouns, the verb of the main clause is generally singular if the nouns are singular and plural if they are plural: What pleases the voters is his honesty and his willingness to take on difficult issues; On entering the harbor what first meet the eye are luxurious yachts and colorful villas. Occasionally the choice of a singular or plural verb may be used to convey a difference in meaning. In the sentence What excite him most are money and power, the implication is that money and power are separable goals; in What excites him most is money and power, the implication is that money and power are inextricably bound together. 

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陈才   - 英语教师

1Most 主语// of what we call geniuses后置定语//  are系动词//  successful 表语// only强调状语//  because they have made extraordinary efforts原因状语// 


备注(1):most of+名词 意思“...中的大多人” 介词of 表示部分与整体之间的关系

备注(2):what we call geniuses结构为call sb+名词=把某人称作为,what we call geniuses为名词性关系分句。What=the persons who 所以what we call geniuses=the persons who we call geniuses(我们称作为天才的那些人).属于带有后置修饰语名词短语/名词词组。关系代词who代替先行词the persons并在定语从句作谓语动词call的宾语,geniuses为宾语补足语,结构为call the persons +geniuses (把这些/那些人称作为天才)

备注(3):are successful(很成功)为系表结构


备注(5):because they have made extraordinary efforts. 为连词because引导原因状语从句

2 They主语//  are系动词//  what is called "the lowly" in capitalist society表语从句// .


备注(1):What is called “the lowly”in capitalist societywhat引导名词性关系分句在主句作表语或者说叫表语从句

备注(2):what为融合型关系代词用法what=the thing that

备注(3):what is called “the lowly”in capitalist society=the thing that is called “the lowly”in capitalist society“the lowly”in capitalist society作表语从句中的主语补足语。主动结构call sth+名词(把某人称作为某物) 被动结构sth be called +名词(某人被称作为某物)


1表示“……的东西或事情:what=the thing that

They've done what they can to help her. 他们已经尽力帮助了她。

He saves what he earns. 他赚多少,积蓄多少。

What Mary is is the secretary. 玛丽的职务是秘书。

2表示“……的人或的样子” what=the person that/who

He is no longer what he was. 他已经不是以前的那个样子。

He is what is generally called a traitor. 他就是人们通常所说的叛徒。

Who is it that has made Fred what he is now? 是谁把弗雷德培养成现在这个样子的?

3表示“……的数量或数目”what=the number that/ the amount that

Our income is now double what it was ten years ago.


The number of the students in our school is ten times what it was before liberation.


4表示“……的时间” what=the time that

After what seemed like hours he came out with a bitter smile. 似乎过了几个小时他才苦笑着出来。

The young girl was too frightened to speak, standing there for what seemed like hours. 小女孩吓得不敢说话,在那儿站了几个小时。

5表示“……的地方” what=the place that

This is what they call Salt Lake City. 这就是他们称为盐湖城的地方。

In 1492, Columbus reached what is now called America. 1492年哥伦布到达了现在所称的美洲大陆。

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  • 小王同学 提出于 2023-10-16 23:23