4 成分分析及句意理解

My father's office was right across the square from where we were standing.

1.如何正确理解across the square from的成分修饰关系?


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最佳答案 2023-09-13 12:20

这句子没有问题,across (...) from...的用法并不少见。首先,across the square意思很明确,它表达的是大致的方位,from where we are standing则进一步表明精确位置,即:就在我们站立位置的“正对面”。一个广场可能很大,边长有可能好几百米甚至上千米,如果只是说my father’s office was across the square, 你根本不知道这个office究竟在什么位置。from where...就给了你比较精确的定位:就在...的正对面。比如你说There is a bank across the street。对方可能一下子还找不到这家银行,因为过了马路不知道是往左边走还是右边走。如果你说There’s a bank across the street from the mall where we were shopping,那定位就很精确了。你可以看一下朗文高阶across词条,里面有个例句可以参考Across the street from where we're standing, you can see the old churchyard.

    至于across the square from where we were standing,这个“我们”在广场之内还是边缘,我觉得这不一定。一般情况下人应该是在广场上的,毕竟如果远离广场,这句话就白说了。但也要看具体环境,有时候广场本身和周边的马路或绿化带界限可能不明,说不清是否属于广场范围。比如天安门广场,到底长安街(广场路段)算不算广场范围呢?但这一点并不重要,基本没有意义。

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其它 2 个回答

huck finn   - 语言学爱好者

1. from where≈from the spot / place where)视为状语,表示起点

2. 一般理解为接近边缘的位置,具体需要看上下文。

如果你看到的文章是Brock ClarkeOf the Revolution,开头是The last time I saw my father was on Monument Square. 那作者和父亲所在的位置是广场内——根据上下文可知作者在Monument Square纪念碑前。


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陈才   - 英语教师

“我爸爸的办公室在” 在“广场的正对面”    “我们所站的位置” 在“广场的所包含区域范围之内”


1My father's office was right across the square from where we were standing.错误

2My father's office was right across the square where we were standing.正确


备注(1)My father's office为主语

备注(2)was 为系动词be

备注(3)right across the square where we were standing为表语

定语从句Where were standing为关系副词引导定语从句修饰the square

3My father's office was right across from the square where we were standing. 正确



 备注(1)My father's office为主语

备注(2)was 为系动词be

备注(3)right across from the square where we were standing为表语


My father's office was right across the square near where we were standing.

“我爸爸的办公室在” 在“广场的正对面”    “我们所站的位置” 在“广场的附近”


【1the square near where we were standing.【人在广场之外,即人不在广场范围之内

  表示:我们所站位置的附近的“广场”  near+宾语从句 构成介词短语,修饰“square” 在...附近的广场

【2the square  where we were standing.【人在广场之内,即在广场范围之内

表示:我们所处在/所站的“广场”    where we were standing=within which/ on which we were standing. 为定语从句修饰square 站在里面广场。

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