5 向曹老师请教comparative phrase的概念问题

曹老师您好!您在《比较分句than what中的what应该保留还是删去》https://www.cpsenglish.com/article/219一文中说:

这两个句子中的加粗部分为主句中的比较项(comparative phrase)”。加粗部分为“more books”和“much fewer tickets”。我想请教您的是,这里的比较项(comparative phrase)概念是Rodney Huddleston等人的The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language里的comparative phrase概念吗?如果是,我感到很困惑。在该书第1105页,他们写到,下面句子里的方括号部分都是comparative phraseThis may be [a more serious problem than you think]. He took out [a bigger loan than was necessary]. Shes [more experienced in these matters than I am]. 感觉他们所说的comparative phrase是一个很大的概念,好像跟您说的不太一样。故此,特别请您释疑解惑。谢谢!

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最佳答案 2023-11-01 16:45

你读一下该书第1120页下面的注释:Henceforth in this section we simplify by omitting the than or as phrase (the comparative complement) when citing comparative phrases.

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