What is rather more significant is the finding that the dopamine neurons in the caudate–a region of the brain involved in learning stimulus-response associations,and in anticipating food and other‘reward’stimuli–were at their most active around 15 seconds before the participants’favourite moments in the music.
请问第二个破折号-response associations,and in anticipating food and other‘reward’stimuli–是什么用法?
不做不地道的改写,但想知道大意上是否能改成: caudate–a region of the brain involved in learning stimulus,(in)response associations,and in anticipating food and other‘reward’stimuli–
-- a region of the brain involved in learning stimulus-response associations, and in anticipating food and other ‘reward’ stimuli – 这里前后二个破折号合用,相当于括号。二个破折号之间为作caudate的非限制性同位语的名词词组。stimulus-response 这是一个合成词,中间的“-”是连字符,不是破折号。