【1】one by one 一个个地/逐个地
We went into the room one by one. 我们挨个儿走进房间。
One by one the houses burst into flames. 房子一幢接一幢地燃起熊熊大火。
She talked to them one by one. 她逐一地和他们谈话。
【2】one after another一个接一个地/一个又一个地/陆续地
The bills kept coming in one after another.账单纷至沓来。
The enemy strongholds fell one after another. 敌方据点相继被攻破。
The guests came one after another. 客人们陆续来了。
Foreign archaeologists are arriving one after another. 外国的考古学者们联翩而至