2 请教based on的用法


One of greatest benefits of wealth is it will allow you to improve these based on your  personal needs and long term benefits.

我认为这句话中based on…后面部分是做状语修饰前面动词improve。我看在其他语句中,based on和这句话一样,即使没有表达被动语气也是使用过去分词形式作状语,请解释一下这样表达方式的原因。

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最佳答案 2022-09-02 07:45

的确是 based on 作状语,修饰 improve。美国 GMAT 考试认为 based on 作状语是错误用法,建议改为 on the basis of。查各英英词典,没见到 based on 作状语用法。Our plan is based on an upturn in the economy. 这时的 based 是被动语态。

但现实中,based on 作状语的例子比比皆是。所以,按曲鼎老师的谆谆教导,“照本宣科”是不对的,要有包容心态对待新事物、新现象。

陈用仪在《英语常用词疑难用法手册》的解释,也可供你参考。他认为 be 后的 based on 是形容词短语,这和所有英英词典的说法相悖:

【本来based是由动词过去分词转变成的形容词,应该依附于某一个名词。【例如】His opinions are based entirely on prejudices. 他的意见完全是基于偏见。但是用多了,往往游离于任何名词之外,成了句子中的一个副词,引入一个状语成分,管句中的动词,而不管近处的名词。【例如】(They) insist such a (DNA) databank must come with guarantees that no one be denied employment or insurance based on genetic makeup. (US News & World Report, Dec. 2, 2002, p. 60) 他们坚持主张,如果建立DNA数据库,就必须同时作出保证,对任何人都不得根据其基因结构而拒绝录用或拒绝承保(based on同前面的employment or insurance没有修饰关系,是修饰deny的状语)。/ What has changed radically in recent years is the view that cancers of different typesbreast, lung, colonare relatively homogeneous based on how they look under the microscope and how far they have burrowed into the body. (US News & World Report, Nov. 3-10, 2008, p. 46) 近年来发生了根本变化的,是原先的那个看法,认为各种不同类型的癌症,如乳腺癌、肺癌、结肠癌,按照显微镜下看到的形状以及钻入身体多深来看,似乎是比较同构的。/... accepting students based purely on merit, without regard to wealth,... (Jonathan D. Glater, The New York Times, June 10, 2009) …不问家庭经济情况,单纯按照优劣录取新生…/ ... my hearing must also be fading fast based on the increased volume directed at me. …从人家对我说话时加大了声门看来,我的听力一定是在迅速退化。类似这种情况(即形容词作副词)的,还有relative toeffective, compared to等,均各另见。】

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其它 1 个回答

陈才   - 英语教师

One of greatest benefits of wealth is that it will allow you to improve these (wealth省略) based on your personal needs and long term benefits.

=Based on your personal needs and long term benefit,One of greatest benefits of wealth is that it will allow you to improve these wealth


备注(2):以上Based on your personal needs and long term benefit为过去分词作状语。

单词base vt.以…为基础,建立在某事基础上有以下两种结构

1base A on/upon B=A建立在B基础之上【主动结构】

We must base ourselves on the interests of the people.我们一定要从人民的利益出发。

We based our conclusion on facts.我们是以事实作为我们结论的依据的。

He based his conclusions on the evidence given by the captured prisoners.  他根据被俘囚犯提供的证据得出了这个结论。

2A be based on/upon B=A被建立在B基础之上【被动结构】

These criticisms are based on misunderstanding.这些评论完全是出于误解。

Direct taxation is usually based upon income.直接税通常是以收入为根据。

This song is based on an old folk tune.这首歌是以一首古老的民间曲调为基础而写成的。

His conclusion is based on practical experience.他的结论建立在实践经验的基础上。

备注:过去分词短语based on sth可以作定语也可以作状语

1based on sth 作后置定语

Any economic strategy based on a weak dollar is destined to fail.  【过去分词作定语】

=Any economic strategy that is based on a weak dollar is destined to fail.  【定语从句作定语】


Most lead a nomadic lifestyle based on trade and livestock. 【过去分词作定语】

=Most lead a nomadic lifestyle that is based on trade and livestock. 【定语从句作定语】


2based on sth 作状语

Based on historical facts, this novel is very popular.【简单句】【过去分词作原因状语】

=This novel is based on historical facts and it is very popular.and 并列句】

=This novel is based on historical facts, so it is very popular.so 并列句】

=Because /As this novel is based on historical facts, it is very popular.【原因状语从句】【原因状语从句作原因状语】


Based on real life, the TV play became very popular.【简单句】【过去分词作原因状语】

=The TV play is based on real life and it became very popular.and并列句】

=The TV play is based on real life, so it became very popular.so并列句】

=As/Because the TV is based on real life, it became very popular.【原因状语从句】【原因状语从句作原因状语】


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