6 里面好几处介词有点不懂

1.      A great variety of drums, too, accompanied African music to the colonies in North and South America.(此处to不理解用法)

2.      Despite the tragedy of their origins in slavery, the Gullah have survived and revived to produce a viable, enviable folk culture even amidst the technological wonders of the 21st century.(此处 in slavery不理解)

3.      This unusual performance includes much singing, frequent samples of Gullah as used in the marketplace or between women gossiping.A great deal of emphatic body language, and even occasional tribal dance steps to thumping drums and enthusiastic shouting are also features of the performance.Mrs. Smalls introduces the background to individual songs or other performances to help the audience —— often peppered with overseas tourists —— have a clearer idea of how the Gullah communicate to each other. (这是连着的一长段句子,里面有好几处学生有疑问:1.frequent samples of Gullah as used 此处不理解  2.黑体字to的用法  3.introduces to后接individual 怎么后面还有个songs ,还是说断句是这样断的:Mrs. Smalls introduces the background to individual /songs or other performances to help the audience

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最佳答案 2022-07-11 13:22


1. to  表示方向,来到哪里,和accompany 搭配使用,原意是伴随。。。来到。。。这个句子的大概意思是:各种各样的鼓也伴随着非洲音乐传到了北美和南美的殖民地。

2. origins in slavery, 指起源于奴隶制。这里通常用介词in, 习惯搭配,只能记忆,如朗文词典的解释:
attachments-2022-07-sAm4lfZp62cb909f1cca8.png习惯搭配,有些和中文思维不一样,你用中文思维也许无法理解,如: So long! 指“再见”的意思,你用中文思维能理解吗?把它记住即可。
3. frequent samples of Gullah as used , as used 是比较结构,相当于as they are used in the marketplace or between women gossiping. 比较结构的用法,比较复杂,不是一两句能解释清楚的。具体要查语法书或本网相关问答。
4.  even occasional tribal dance steps to thumping drums and enthusiastic shouting, 这里的to 是受dance steps 的影响,dance to music  是跟着音乐跳舞,这是习惯搭配。你文中的这句话的意思指:甚至偶尔伴随着咚咚的鼓声和热情的呐喊的部落舞蹈也是表演的特色。
5. individual 是形容词,修饰songs 很正常呀,你是不是以为是名词了? 所以要查字典,你去查一下,也许自己就明白了。

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