They will be formed over thousands or even millions of years.这句话的意思是煤,油和天然气形成的过程经历了thousands or even millions of years的时间,是一段时间,不是某个时间点,所以用被动合适。如果后面加个ago即over thousands or even millions of years ago,就是时间点了,那用主动被动都可以,意思跟前面的有区别。你举了两个柯林斯的例子,我也举词典中的几个例子,你可以对比看:
The solar system was formed 4.5 billion years ago.
The solar system formed 4.5 billion years ago.
A thick sheet of ice had formed over the water.
These rocks were formed over 4000 million years ago.
Beliefs about moral values and human nature are formed over a lifetime of experience.
Cultural identity is formed over hundreds of years.