
介词后面接 which 引导的定语从句比较多。如:
Water is the natural medium in which fish live. 水是鱼类赖以生存的自然环境。
Under our house is a cellar in which the coal was kept. 我们的房子下面是一个装煤的地窖。
This is a subject about which we might argue for a long while. 这是一个我们可能长时间争论的问题。
A business meeting isn’t the place at which to talk about one’s private life. 公务会议不是谈论私生活的场合。
有时也接when, where 引导的定语从句(前面有网友刚提出过类似问题)。如:
That was in 1929, since when things have been better. 那是1929年的事,从那时起情况就好些了。
He hid himself in a tree, from where he could see the enemy in the distance. 他躲在一棵树上,从那儿他可以看到远处的敌人。
请问:介词后面可以接 whose 引导的定语从句吗?

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最佳答案 2015-11-10 16:43

只要语义有这个需要,在 whose 引导的定语从句前面出现介词是完全可能。比如下面的例子(不知是否是你需要的类型):
1. In 1980 he caught a serious illness from whose effects he still suffers. 1980年他患了到现在对他仍有影响的重病。
2. Fraud detectives are investigating the company, three of whose senior executives have already been arrested. 反诈骗侦探正在调查那家公司,该公司的三名高管已被拘捕。

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  • 江小花   提出于 2015-11-05 16:59
