5 The price was higher than he wished to pay.的对比句(2)

关于《剑桥英语语法》中的 The price was higher than he wished to pay 这个句子对 than 后面省略 the price that 的用法,前面有网友提了一个问题,参见:



The price was higher than he wished to pay.

The price was higher than the price that he wished to pay.




The Ariadne was going to be much hotter than our space people had ever dreamt of.

The danger may be greater than any of us is aware (of).

它们是否符合语法是否也值得怀疑?它们是不是也要在 than 后面加上一个带定语从句的名词?

The Ariadne was going to be much hotter than the ?(我不知道该用什么名词) that our space people had ever dreamt of.

The danger may be greater than the danger that any of us is aware (of).

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The price was higher than he wished to pay. 是《剑桥语法》作者怀疑的句子。The price was higher than the price that he wished to pay. 是作者认为对的。作者说的很清楚。 than he wished to pay. 作者说应该理解为名词短语,即 than the price that he wished to pay. 也许是网友没看懂或理解错误,因为毕竟是英语的写的。有些基本的东西其实中学阶段就该接触过。than the price... 也可以改为than the one..., 也对,仅是该书没有提到而已。



1.The Ariadne was going to be much hotter than our space people had ever dreamt of.

2. The danger may be greater than any of us is aware (of).

网友也没有理解正确,我的意思不是让大家判断这两个句子对错,这是该书例句,是正确的。我是问如果dreamt 后的of 去掉可以吗?是不是也正确?我出题的目的就是想帮助大家把比较从句学透,理解透。该书有些例句,也许改变一个词意思就不对了,但有些网友不一定知道。这是出这个题的目的。


上面的《剑桥语法》例句:The price was higher than he wished to pay. 作者认为此句的准确性是令人质疑的。那么我按同样结构改写一句:The book is more difficult than I'm reading. 你认为作者会对这句是什么态度? 是令人质疑,还是明确否定?请留言说出你的判断。

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  • 唐茧仁   提出于 2022-05-07 01:01