好题分享(48):than what 用法的正误辨析(05)

《剑桥英语语法》p 1113 有这样一个例句:

He spent longer on it than seemed necessary.

如果我们在than 后加上what, 你认为该书作者是否仍然认为是正确的?


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Restrictions on omission of subject

In clauses where the verb is retained, the subject can be omitted only when it is the counterpart to the comparative phrase or is understood as an embedded clause, as in (d) above:

[22] i More people came than [ were invited ].              [counterpart to comparative phrase]

ii He spent longer on it than [ seemed necessary].       [embedded clause]

iii ∗ Liz works harder than [ worked/did last year].

To remedy [iii] we must either insert a subject (she) or else omit the verb too, giving than last year.

作者清楚告诉读者,than分句省略主语而保留谓语动词只能是二种情况之一:1 省略的主语为比较对应项;2 省略的主语为嵌入分句。除此以外省略主语而保留谓语动词即为语法错误。

在这个句子中 He spent longer on it than seemed necessary. 作者已经告诉我们seemed省略的主语为嵌入分句,即than (it) seemed necessary (that he should spent on it/for him to spend on it). 补上省略的主语就是补上省略的嵌入分句(形式主语it+外置的that主语从句或不定式分句)。作者并不认为这里省略的是what。所以如果加上what,会被作者认为是错误的。

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作者在这个章节开始写道(请看最后一句):“我们先看一下两个必须省略的情形(a)-(b),然后我们再看可省可不省的(c)-(g)。”也就是说(c-g)的部分属于可省可不省略(optional reduction的情形。这是我的理解。


我的问题句就是(g)部分的ii句。显然,(g)属于作者说的可省可不省的情形。作者在这里只是解释了在省略时,应该注意什么,即主语为比较项时 can be omitted,作者用的是可以,不是必须。也符合可省可不省的逻辑。

因此,我认为如果原句改用than what seemed necessary, 这也是对的,符合作者提到的 (f) Verbless clauses: reduction to a single element情形。这也是为什么外刊经常出现使用what的类似的例句,如:

1. He mulled over what I said for longer than what seemed necessary.

出处:英文小说:Jessica Sorensen   著:The Fallen Star 2011.

2.He ordered to buy more than what seemed necessary.

出处:英文小说:Gerhard Jaritz,  My Favourite Things 2019 p 89

3.I have always been sparing in speech and not gone further than what seemed necessary to men's salvation.

出处:英文小说:Marie-Laure Valandro Letters from Florence 2010


大鹏老师提到《牛津用法指南》的错误例句,He worries more than (what) is necessary. 这里不能用what, 我在过去的解答中分享过我的理解。我认为,是因为worry 是不及物动词,what is necessary, 做为比较项短语,和主句没有对应点。如果不是worry,改为其它及物动词进行宾语的比较,就没问题了。我也发现外刊使用what is necessary作为比较项的句子,than 前的动词基本都是及物动词。《指南》的作者没有具体解释为什么要省略what,因此造成我们很多人按自己的理解去分析。有些可能对,有些可能不对。


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大彭老师   - 英语老师

我觉得不宜加 what。因为这里 than seemed necessary 涉及形式主语和外置主语的省略:

He spent longer on it than seemed necessary.

= He spent longer on it than it seemed necessary that he should spend.

= He spent longer on it than it seemed necessary for him to spend.


误:He worries more than it / what is necessary.

正:He worries more than is necessary. 

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K同学 - 学生



好题老师提到了书里的verbless clause内部分,我看一个其中句子1.We spend more time in France than [_______ in Germany],比如说这句子,是不是也可以加what呢?what指代the time that we spent,可是作者给了这样的句子for [i] we could have 2. We spend more time in France than [we spend ______  in Germany]. 好像是不可以的,what内个就是对应项的地方。

那么这样理解这个句子He spent longer on it than (he sepnd) what seemed necessary.好像也不可以,这样的是what seemd necessary是一体的,而且还是对应项,这样的话,应该就不能加what了,还是得按嵌入从句那样理解。


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