
More than 20 people have vaccinated, which is one of the reasons the outbreak has not spread further than it has.

it 是指的什么? has指的是什么?

than it has 是省略后的比较状从,还原回去是什么呢

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that it has = than it has spread.  it指代the outbreak, has替代了has spread现在完成时谓语。状语为比较对应项,必须省略。所以补全的完整分句就是than it has spread. 但实际上比较分句的特点就是尽量采用缩减形式(省略和替代),补全仅仅是为了你理解,实际是没有必要用完整的分句的。要学会根据主句结构自己判断比较分句省略了哪些成分,代词替代的是什么。

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  • 未知里 提出于 2022-04-22 11:24