5 分析的介词问题(uses for, uses of, the key of, the key for等)


They should adopt a more imaginative approach and investigate alternative uses for their property.


They should adopt a more imaginative approach and investigate alternative uses of their property.吗?

又比如:the key of the door. / the key for the door.


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最佳答案 2022-04-22 13:38


to  核心意思是朝着某个目标而去、奔着某个目标而去的意思,目标明确,一定会达到。give the book to me 重点是给到”--书最后一定要给到我的手上,give(给)这个动作才算完成,所以此处用to

for 核心意思觉察方向,讲的只是大方向、大概念,并无一定要做到的含义,所以 buy the book for you.  重点只是,不管最后东西是否交给你,买这个动作都会完成,所以此处用for

of 核心含义是组成A of B,这个A一定是B的组成部分。房间 the door of the room,房间 the window of the room,门和窗都是房间的组成部分,所以用of。如果房间无门窗,就不叫房子,而叫盒子!但是,钥匙不是门的组成部分,如果你在拼夕夕买的门,附有有钥匙,那也是商家额外的赠送而已,所以房门钥匙,不是 the key of the door,钥匙只不过是奔着房门而去(一把钥匙开一扇门,配套),所以此处介词用to。考卷答案也是同样的道理,你见过考试的时候,监考老师除了给你一份试卷,还会给你一份答案?那不叫考试,叫舞弊。所以答案不是试题/练习的组成部分,它只是奔着某份试题/练习而去而已,所以是the key to the doorthe key to the exercise


语法规则不能生搬硬套,牢牢记住,语法规则从来都是解释句子为什么会这么写,而不是规定句子应该怎么写。就好像你记熟了我上面给的一些所谓规则后,不要想当然的认为,房间门一定是 the door of the room,见到 the door to the room就认为是错的。只不过前者表通常意义上的房门,而后者意思侧重为通向某房间的门(奔着某个目标而去)





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其它 1 个回答


你写的这几种用法都存在,通常意思差别不大,但在有些语境可能会有细微差别。key to the door/of the door/for the door.都可以,但to the door 最常见,for the door 使用频率最低。如何选择介词,有些和使用习惯有关,有些和语义有关。一般来说,你看到母语人怎么用,你尽量模仿即可。


1. The six step process is used in studying alternative uses of property.

2. ...and to investigate alternative uses of the property, including demolition of most of the facilities in order to expand the public beach and public parking areas.

3. I have a key to the door right here.

4. The clock struck eleven thirty in the afternoon when Justice put his key to the door.

5. Trying to make no sound, he took out of his safe the key of the door which had not been opened for fifteen years.

6. She took the key of the door from the small ring of keys which she held.

7. I will get the spare key for the door, and will be back in just a moment.

8.“I cannot let him out, I have no key for the door.”

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  • 高飞 提出于 2022-04-21 13:37
