10 择比结构可以连接动词吗


He more ran than walked与其说他是走,不如说他是跑。

He was more running than walking. 与其说他是走,不如说他是在跑。

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4 个回答

Webster   - 英语教师

我认为作为择比结构的 more…than 通常不会连接动词:

误:He more ran than walked. 与其说他是走,不如说他是跑。

误:He was more running than walking. 与其说他是走,不如说他是在跑。

这类用法宜改为 rather than

正:He ran rather than walked.

正:He was running rather than walking.


正:He ran instead of walked / walking.

正:He was running instead of walking.



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千千学堂   - 英语图书编辑

我觉得Webster老师的观点是有道理的。择比结构用于连接动词可能在语料库中可以查到,而且正如王老师所列出的例子来看,它也可能出现在正式的出版物(可能是非语言学习类出版物)中。我查了一下《剑桥英语语法》,这上面说择比结构(该书称之为metalinguistic comparison)主要用于连接形容词、名词(短语)或介词短语,而不用于连接动词的。截图如下(P1121-1122)


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1. Head down against the onslaught of flakes, she more ran than walked across the quadrangle.

Patricia Houck SprinkleMurder at Markham 2001 p.52

 2. Instantly Rollo more ran than walked in, disheveled and eager.

 Alan Burt AkersThe Lohvian Cycle II: The twelfth Dray Prescot Omnibus, 2014, p 648

 3. She examined the corpse another moment and then all of a sudden scooped it up and more ran than walked to the front door.

Purdue University's Department of EnglishSycamore Review  Vol. 17, 2005, p.77

 4. She showed me into her very clean warm kitchen , though the water more ran than dropped from me.

Bord Failte-Irish Tourist Board, Ireland of the Welcomes, 1977Vol. 26,  p.33

 5. I was more running than walking when I made my way back to the room with the rivers.

Stephenie Meyer, The Host, 2009

 6. In such great hurry he was more running than walking and hadn't even buckled his shoes.

 Pierre La Mure, Beyond Desire, 1955, p.5

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黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

He more ran than walked与其说他是走,不如说他是跑。(正确)

He was more running than walking与其说他是走,不如说他是在跑。(正确)

如:He was more frightened than hurt. 他的伤倒没什么,只是受惊不小。(与其说他受伤,倒不如说他受惊了。)

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