3 关于定语从句前置的问题(大英赛考题)


Young animals grow up to look like their parents; seeds grow up to look like the plants ________ they came.

A. from which  B. which  C. in which  D. where

他给出的答案是A,说come fromfrom前置引导定语从句,可是come from不是动词短语吗,他的介词不是不可以前置吗。而且我从网上查到come from是固定搭配,固定搭配在定语从句中不也是不能拆分吗?

中心词是plants, 因为他在前面所以from也要放在前面吗?

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最佳答案 2022-03-20 14:26

( which ) they came  from 和 from which  they came 都可以作为定语从句。

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  • 刘峻豪 提出于 2022-03-20 13:22
