2 介词的选择



1. Leave it for tomorrow.

2. Leave it until (till) tomorrow.

3. Leave it to tomorrow.

我平时阅读获得的语感倾向于leave it for tomorrow,但自己又解释不出为什么。



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最佳答案 2022-03-12 15:27

        这几种用法都正确,意思也没有什么区别,只是使用频率不同。也许是因为for 的出现频率最高,所以给你的印象最深,形成了一种语感。我将语料库的四个例句,按不同介词用法出现频率大小依次排列如下:

1. If I leave it for tomorrow, someone else may eat it and then I won't have any.

 2.“Maybe you should leave it to tomorrow.” Freya groaned, seeing what he was trying to say.

 3. 'Why not leave it until tomorrow?' she asked, suddenly panic-stricken at the whole idea.

 4. 'I suppose we'd better leave it till tomorrow, sir.' (till 比until 更口语化)

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  • 尤海林   提出于 2022-03-11 22:44
