
In 1952 a merely 18 percent of respondents said yes.

该句是一道改错题中的句子,初见时觉得 a 特别扎眼,觉得a在语感上不对劲,一般来说都是直接数词加percent18 percent of respondents,可是答案里并没有指出错误。

为了求证,我查了一下字典,发现percent有动词、副词、形容词的词性;其中只有形容词前面才有a这样的冠词存在,a five percent [=5%] increase in my salarya 15 per cent rise in price.

语法中有结构特指这一概念,但是诸如例句Thirty percent [=³/₁₀] of the class failed the test. Water covers more than 70 percent of the Earth's surface.  of the classof the Earth's surface都是特指概念,但是无论是Thirty percent还是70 percent都没有被the修饰,更别提of respondents泛指前面反而还加了个a


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The value has increased half a percent. 可数名词单数

Water covers more than 70 percent of the Earth's surface. 可数名词复数

A large percent [=(more commonly) percentage] of their profits comes from online sales. 单数名词

所以,当表达一个百分数占比很大或很小时,常用单数名词percent,如 a small/large percent of something.  下面COCA语料库中percent前用不定冠词a时,通常都有表示多或者少意义的形容词,此时percent为单数名词用法,不是可数名词。

A whopping seventy-eight percent of water in the country

A full 20 percent of the 100 senators in January will be women

a reasonable 4.6 percent of the capital budget.

a mere 0.1 percent of the popular vote.

and a whopping 72 percent of those polled approved of the move.

unlike a full 40 percent of Les Miles victories


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  • 所以说蛋壳 提出于 2022-02-28 10:41